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Notable Chapter Achievements

Over 115 Active
Members Currently

Sixty-Five (65) Active

Life Members Currently

Over $750,000 in

scholarships awarded

to over 500 students

  • 1988 Outstanding Alumni Brother of the Year

  • 1990 Province Guide Right Chairmen of the Year

  • 1991 Province Guide Right Chairman of the Year

  • 1993 Outstanding Alumni Brother of the Year

  • 1993 Kappa League Advisor of the Year

  • 1996 Outstanding Alumni Chapter of the Year

  • 1996 Kappa League Advisor of the Year

  • 1996 Outstanding Alumni Brother of the Year

  • 1997 Host Chapter for 50th Northern Province Council

  • 1997 Kappa League Advisors of the Year

  • 1997 Outstanding Alumni Chapter of the Year

  • 1998 Kappa League Advisors of the Year

  • 1998 Province Guide Right Chairman of the Year

  • 1999 Outstanding Alumni Chapter of the Year

  • 1999 Kappa League Advisors of the Year

  • 2000 Outstanding Alumni Chapter of the Year

  • 2001 Outstanding Alumni Brother of the Year

  • 2001 Province Guide Right Chairman of the Year

  • 2001 Kappa League Advisors of the Year

  • 2003 Outstanding Alumni Chapter of the Year

  • 2003 Kappa League Advisor of the Year

  • 2003 Guide Right Director of the Year

  • 2003 Northern Province Student of the Year

  • 2006 Kappa League Advisor of the Year

  • 2008 Northern Province Student of the Year

  • 2011 Outstanding Kappa League Chapter of the Year

  • 2011 Province Reclamation Award

  • 2011 National Reclamation Award

  • 2012 Host Chapter for the 64th Northern Province Council

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