About Us
The Southfield Kappa Leadership Instructional League (Kappa League) is an organization
dedicated to helping young men of high school age to grow and develop their leadership
talents in every field of human endeavor. Kappa Leaguers participate in programs that
stimulate leadership characteristics, develop organizational skills, and create an
environment of achievement.
Kappa League is an organization dedicated to helping Southfield and Detroit Metropolitan
Area young men of high school age to grow and develop their leadership talents in every
phase of human endeavor.
Through club oriented activities, the Kappa League performs projects that will expose
young men to planning, execution, reporting ideas, and simulating good leadership
characteristics designed to raise their aspiration levels. All activities and programs are
modeled around the following five phases:
Self Identity
Social/Community Service
Health Education
Since the fundamental purpose of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. is achievement, it is the Fraternity’s primary purpose to assist the young men of Kappa League achieve worthy goals to make constructive contributions to their communities when they become leaders.
For more information about the organization, feel free to check out the official website for the National Kappa League.
Devin Jackson
Southfield Kappa League Chair
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., Southfield Alumni Chapter